Sara Carrigan OAM

Riding a Life Cycle

Riding a life cycle


Gold Coasters can ‘go for gold’ like an Olympian, with an expert cycling program being run for all fitness levels.

Olympic Champion Sara Carrigan runs the cycling program and, with her being an Australian Commonwealth Games and World Cup Champion, you know you are in super qualified hands.

Sara is sharing her skills, passion and love of cycling with fellow Gold Coasters keen to take part in her Sara Carrigan Cycling School.

Sara’s aim is to provide basic training and skill development within a fun and safe environment for both total beginner and the more experienced.

She does this through her GO for Gold program run every Tuesday and Thursday where cyclists gather together at Broadbeach and head off to a new location to cycle through.

Read full article here – GoldCoastBulletin9-06-10 – Riding a Life Cycle.pdf

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Sara Carrigan OAM